Monday, August 4, 2014

New Online Gaming Offers Updated - Affiliate Trading Network

New Offers Update - Affiliate Trading Network | An Affiliate Network | CPA Network Hello,
We hope you are starting a great day and we would like to inform you that we have a few new campaign today ! They are the best campaigns because we check them before we activate them on our network.
We believe that you will generate a large of money through the source of your traffic. You just log into your account and select the campaign that you think it is good for you or the campaigns below and start promoting them.
Feel free to choose the campaigns below and start earn more from your traffic !

ID: 11819

Name: Shooter Hazard Ops DACH - SOI

Payout: $1.40 CPA

Description: Hazard Ops is an action-packed third person shooter heavily focused on cooperative fun and sprinkled with a good dose of crazy versus matches. Players face every type of enemies they ever dreamt of such as zombies, robots, deadly mutants, as well as even crazier enemies like dinosaurs with rocket launchers! This ruthless shooter is developed based on the Unreal Engine 3.5 which enables High Density Crowds or even Destructible Environments.

Lead Flow: Single Opt-In
Platform: Client

Allowed Traffic:
+ No Incentivezed Traffic.
+ No Search Engine Marketing e.g. Google AdWords
+ No Brand Bidding
+ Can Email Marketing
+ No Social traffic (facebook, etc)
+ No Co-Reg
+ No Re-brokering
+ No Adult Traffic
+ Can Text Links / Editorial content
+ Display advertising
+ Own Creatives need Approval


ID: 11821

Name: Shooter Hazard Ops - UK

Payout: $1.40 CPA

Description: Hazard Ops is an action-packed third person shooter heavily focused on cooperative fun and sprinkled with a good dose of crazy versus matches. Players face every type of enemies they ever dreamt of such as zombies, robots, deadly mutants, as well as even crazier enemies like dinosaurs with rocket launchers! This ruthless shooter is developed based on the Unreal Engine 3.5 which enables High Density Crowds or even Destructible Environments.

Lead Flow: Single Opt-In
Platform: Client

Allowed Traffic:
+ No Incentivezed Traffic.
+ No Search Engine Marketing e.g. Google AdWords
+ No Brand Bidding
+ Can Email Marketing
+ No Social traffic (facebook, etc)
+ No Co-Reg
+ No Re-brokering
+ No Adult Traffic
+ Can Text Links / Editorial content
+ Display advertising
+ Own Creatives need Approval


ID: 11823

Name: Shooter Hazard Ops - FR

Payout: $1.40 CPA

Description: Hazard Ops is an action-packed third person shooter heavily focused on cooperative fun and sprinkled with a good dose of crazy versus matches. Players face every type of enemies they ever dreamt of such as zombies, robots, deadly mutants, as well as even crazier enemies like dinosaurs with rocket launchers! This ruthless shooter is developed based on the Unreal Engine 3.5 which enables High Density Crowds or even Destructible Environments.

Lead Flow: Single Opt-In
Platform: Client

Allowed Traffic:
+ No Incentivezed Traffic.
+ No Search Engine Marketing e.g. Google AdWords
+ No Brand Bidding
+ Can Email Marketing
+ No Social traffic (facebook, etc)
+ No Co-Reg
+ No Re-brokering
+ No Adult Traffic
+ Can Text Links / Editorial content
+ Display advertising
+ Own Creatives need Approval


To apply, please log in to Your Account: . For details about prices and other agreements, Contact your Affiliate Manager to test today !.

Thank you for your cooperation !

Best Regards,
Affiliate Trading Team.

AIM: AffiliateTrading
Skype : AffiliateTrading
Site :

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